Monday, January 5, 2009

My cheap wood

This project, which I've wanted to do for a while, became possible when I say an add on craig's list for SYP. Living in NH SYP isn't available and the other readily available bench woods would just cost too much.

The women was getting these pallets, from a glass shop, and breaking them down, burning some of them and selling the rest to poor saps like me.

The wood was being sold for $1.40 for a 2x6 x 78". So I bought 30 of them. $42 dollars for the wood you can't beat that. Well I bring them into "the shop" and let them dry out. I am now way over my head, but fortunes shines on the foolish at time. I get a brand new Dewalt 734 planer for $300 and a lightly used Reliant jointer fo $80 so I am good to go.

I separate the boards into a couple of piles, based upon how "good" they are. Pull out staples brush them off and let them sit. Eventual I start the processes.
As documented in the previous several posts (as well as future posts I am sure).

As the wood isn't as good as it should I was forced to make a second pilgrimage to this site and buy another 20 boards, $28 more money. Ok, $70 dollars is going to get me a decent work bench, there are going to be plenty of knots in the top, hopefully they won't interfer with the work. The owners didn't like me picking through for the "best" boards

Also after jointer these, I need to get new knives as I missed a nail. The other thing I learned is that my table crepted up a little or the knives dulled enough that I had to readjust the outfeed table.

Lessons learned that this project would go a lot quicker with flatter, less bowed and less defective wood. I'll be posting soon with my mortising and building the top. As of 1/5/09 the mortises are done (though final fitting is needed) and the first two sections of the top have been glued up. There will be 5-6 sections and probably 8 or 9 total glue ups.